Para mis pedacitos de cielo,

Hola mis pedacitos de cielo<3

A lot of thought (and anxiety, LMAO) has gone into structuring this section; especially in regards to how I wanted to present my recipes. For one, I grew up with a “tu nomas ahí tanteale” household and trying to communicate my recipes in measurable units felt confining. For two, I wanted to make these posts as much of a dialogue as possible. Finally, for three, I have thought a lot about how much you all have taught me, and how that has pushed me to grow into my role as a graduate student even when and if I was not ready. Thank you for forcing me into mentorship positions, listening to me yassify western philosophy through music and pop culture, filling up my office hours, blowing up my inbox, allowing me to assist you all in your vastly different career paths, and sending me updates post graduation. I jokingly refer to you all as my kids and that is where “mis pedacitos de cielo” comes from; from all the ways you have all shaped me to be the educator, mentor, and one day (if ethics and resources allow), parent that I hope to be after my own journey as a graduate student. You demanded more from me, and holding me accountable in that aspect has aided my growth in immeasurable ways. This section is for you. 

Olga’s Love: Strawberry Oatmeal Bars&nbsp;
ángela godoy-fernández ángela godoy-fernández

Olga’s Love: Strawberry Oatmeal Bars 

If it is the case that child consciousness and liberation are synonyms, then mother consciousness and revolution are two sides of the same coin. 

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Nietzsche’s Pie: Amantes De Los Arándanos&nbsp;
Pies ángela godoy-fernández Pies ángela godoy-fernández

Nietzsche’s Pie: Amantes De Los Arándanos 

Sometime ago, I met a boy. I fell in love with that boy; but the boy didn’t have much of a sweet tooth. At least, that is what he told me. Perhaps that has changed, I do not know the man that boy became. Though, what I do know is that I made a pie after that boy in the hopes that he would like my pie; in the hopes he would develop a sweet tooth.

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  • Children have always been expected to organize themselves in chaos.

    - ángela godoy-fernández

  • If it is the case that child consciousness and liberation are synonyms, then mother consciousness and revolution are two sides of the same coin.

    - ángela godoy-fernández